How NPM (Headquarters, Osaka Sales Office, Techno Center) cope after lifting the emergency declaration.

JUNE 1, 2020

Dear customers

Nippon Pulse Motor will take following measures following lifting of the emergency declaration by Japanese government.
Focusing on the safety of our customers, employees, business partners and people in the area, we will continue to work to maintain business and socio-economic activities looking at the "New Normal".
We will appreciate your understanding on this matter.

Target business locations

・Head Office
・Osaka Sales Office
・Techno Center.

How we work

We are implementing measures  "time difference work" and "work from home".

Visitor acceptation

・When visiting our offices, please use alcohol for disinfection of your hands and wear a mask.
・We continue to utilize online meetings.
We will carefully watch situation and will appropriately cope with changes of the situation.

Inquiries regarding this matter

Nippon Pulse Motor Co.,Ltd. Global Business Division +81-3-3813-8841