How NPM (Headquarters, Osaka Sales Office, Techno Center, Iwaki Factory, Utsunomiya Office) cope with the New Coronavirus.

April 8, 2020

Dear customers

Nippon Pulse Motor Co., Ltd. will take following measures to reduce the chance of infection with the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) and to ensure the safety of our employees.
 We will appreciate your understanding on this matter.

Target business locations

Head Office, Osaka Sales Office, Techno Center, Iwaki Factory, Utsunomiya Office, GMC Hilstone.

Our factories continue to manufacture and ship products as usual.

How we work

・ To prevent the spread of infection, we implement special measures such as "staggered work", "telework" and "work from home".

Period of this safety measures

In principle, it will be until May 6 according to the government's point of view.
But it might be revised in some cases.

Business trip

・ We will refrain from nonessential and nonurgent business trips both in Japan and overseas.

Visitor acceptation

・ As a general rule, we will ask visitors to refrain from visiting our company.
・ We will try to avoid direct face-to-face customer service by utilizing online meetings.

Health precaution

・ If employee or employee’s family members are suspected to be infected with the new coronavirus, wait at home.
・ We will avoid gathering in a poorly ventilated, closed space where people gather and spend time.

 We will carefully watch situation and will appropriately cope with changes of the situation.

Inquiries regarding this matter

Nippon Pulse Motor Co.,Ltd. Global Business Division +81-3-3813-8841